
This update requires a launcher update! Click here


  • Fixed Sleight of Hand Pro draw speed on weapons
  • Fixed Marathon perk not giving you infinite sprint

+Bug Fixes:

  • Significant improvement to the Chopper Gunner view, paths and control
  • Enable killstreaks for bots by default
  • Improved Pavelow engine + firing sound
  • Fix certain killstreaks not being tracked in the Combat Record
  • Fix certain killstreaks don't appear on the 'Medals' menu
  • Fix 'Chopper Down' and 'Vandalism' not being tracked on the 'Medals' menu
  • Improved AC130 25mm + 40mm third person sound
  • Added the AC130 40mm impact sound
  • Sensitivity fix on Predator Missile for players with low sensitivity
  • Fix blast shield stun and flash protection is activated when the shield is off


  • Updated the launcher so its not forced to be ran from MWR installation folder
  • Added settings to the launcher indicated by a gear button at the top
  • Launcher now checks for the supported languages (english, german, spanish) folder before installation. If it exists it'll clean it up and place it where it needs to be
  • Launcher will now check for a new client and launcher version on startup. If one is found you are prompted to update!

Launcher Settings:

  • Install directory. Tell the launcher where to look for the Modern Warfare Remastered. (Launcher will validate your install directory)
  • Create shortcut on completion. When the launcher finishes updating your game (The GLHF message popup) it'll create a shortcut to the launcher on your desktop theres a fat ass space in between the and launcher
  • Select a download server. Tell the launcher which download server to use for downloading game files.
    RECOMMENDED choose your closest server. (Displayed at the bottom of the launcher on a validated install directory)

Advanced Launcher Settings:

  • Skip usermap verification. If you have usermaps installed, you now have the option to skip verifying them. Missing maps will be prompted to be downloaded.
  • Reset launcher settings. If for any reason your launcher settings break this will reset them to their default values.



  • Lowered map vote countdown to 30 seconds.
  • Added pause menu functionality in map vote for KBM and controller (controller support is coming).


  • Sleight of Hand Pro tracking fix.
  • Fix for chopper gunner crashing server (g_spawn no free entities error).
  • Added splash + score popup for destroying killstreak.
  • Added the original MW2 sound for stolen care package notify.
  • Possible fix for chopper and predator overlay not showing on kill cam on servers
  • AT4 killstreak tracking fix (now properly tracks the target).
  • C4 double tap fixed.
  • Fixed stinger not reloading.
  • Stinger now has 2 missiles.


  • Initial Spanish localization added. Custom UI words aren't translated yet (voiceover is still in english).

Server List

  • Fixed game server request retries getting stuck in an infinite loop when not returning a "OK" or "TIMEOUT" response.
  • Added more response handling to the request retries system.
  • Add favorites now lets you have more then 1 favorited server. - Thanks diinokai.
  • Fixed auto sorting on server list refresh completion.
  • Fixed sorting so changing pages applies the correct sorting to the next page
  • Replaced outdated servers "[Outdated]" text with a new Game Version column. Outdated servers now have their versions displayed in red.
  • When trying to join an outdated server a user will now be prompted if they are sure they want to continue.



  • Added custom ipv4/network interface support via net_ip startup command.
  • Added net_port/net_ip command validation.

+Server Browser:

  • Added server list request retry functionality. If a game server or the master server does not respond it will retry a maximum of 3 times with longer timeouts for each attempt.
  • Adjusted master server response times from 10 seconds to (10 -> 20 -> 40) seconds.
  • Adjusted game server response times from 1.5 seconds to (1.5 -> 3 -> 6) seconds.
  • Fixed a crash some players would have when trying to load the server browser.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the favorites.json to not be generated when favoriting a server without a favorites.json


  • Updated sway for ARs, SMGs and Shotguns.



  • Added game version to servers.

+Server Browser:

  • Added server version checking. Out of date servers are marked as "[Outdated]" (Yes you can still play on Outdated servers)
  • Added new server filter "Outdated" so in date servers are displayed at the top and outdated servers at the bottom.
  • Increased the master server request timeout from 1.5 seconds to 10 seconds
  • Improved stability of the server browser.


  • Fixed sprint animations (fixes glides and anything to do with sprinting)
  • Fixed sleight of hand pro progression tracking for real (Hopefully)


+Server browser:

  • Stopped server browser locking up in favorites menu if favorites.json does not exist


  • Fixed character going into third-person mode when using objects (opening care packages, planting bomb in SND, etc...)
  • Fixed Sleight of hand pro progression tracking



  • Added righty tightys and wrist twists (teickshot tech).
  • Fixed some errors that came with incorrect fields in the player structures.

+Dedicated servers:

  • Game won't halt when sending heartbeats to the master server anymore.


  • Fixed private matches menu.

+Server Browser:

  • Fixed the server browser response time, the server list will populate ALOT faster now! No more line by line.
  • Fixed the server browser randomly kicking you back to the previous menu.
  • Fixed a server browser overflow that would occur after playing a match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the server browser to overflow when spamming paging buttons.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause duplicate server entries to appear.
  • Fixed it so you can no longer change pages whilst refreshing the server browser.
  • Fixed it so you can not refresh the server browser whilst a page is loading.
  • Fixed it so you can't change server list filter whilst it is refreshing the server list or loading a page.
  • Fixed the favourites list being slow with old favourites.json.
  • Fixed it so you can no longer change pages whilst refreshing your favourites.
  • Fixed an issue that would happen when trying to change server filters whilst refreshing.



  • Fixed MP5K run animation.
  • Fixed USP first raise time wrong.
  • Fixed player counter in top right of server browser.
  • Fixed serverlist ping display being inaccurate.
  • Fixed serverlist page sorting.
  • Disabled grenade launcher, makes gun disapear.



  • Brand New Launcher: Introducing our new launcher with a sleek interface and automated downloads for a seamless experience.
  • New Master Server: The new master server is live, providing even more servers and a smoother experience.
  • Our brand new open sourced code
  • Voice-Chat: have the old family friendly gaming sessions
  • Map Voting after the match is fully functional now, including intermission time.

+Quality of Life:

  • Server Persistence: No more getting kicked out of a server post-match.
  • Server Browser: The server browser now correctly places you into the intended server.
  • Map rotations now work as intended
  • Server Browser Paging
  • Updated Server Browser Network Protocol

+Weapons & Guns:

  • Weapon Balancing: All weapon values have been adjusted to match MW2 2009.
  • The foregrip now works as intended.
  • Magnum akimbos reload faster than a single magnum.
  • Players are invisible when being looked at through glass with a thermal sight.
  • Switching to your sidearm is now faster than reloading.
  • Predator Missile now working, Sounds + Boosting the rocket.

+Bug Fixes:

  • Hardpoint Timer: Fixed an issue where the timer would not stop when occupying the hardpoint.
  • Headquarters Timer: Fixed an issue where the timer would not stop when occupying the HQ.
  • CTF Spawn Issue: Resolved the problem of spawning outside the map in Capture The Flag (CTF) mode.
  • Claymore Detonation: Fixed an issue with the unintended blast radius.
  • Floating Bodies: Reduced the occurrence of floating bodies in-game.
  • Changed DVAR var to disable glow while we investigate other lighting issues.
  • MOTD no longer boots you back to the title screen (LUI error).


  • Bling Pro: Bling Pro now functions with all secondary weapons.
  • Scavenger works with launchers.